Okay, so I keep hearing that you all like the pictures, so I will put pictures of my family up! Here is another picture of Morgan and me.
My friend, Kerri, asked some very good questions on one of her comments. She said," When you said that cancer thrives in an acidic environment, does that mean that we shouldn't eat acidic foods like oranges? You also said that cancer can't live in an oxygenated environment. How much exercise is enough to ensure our bodies are oxygenated?"
First of all, I want to say that pH balance is a very complicated subject. I have read various books on PH balance and I can tell you that some of them vary based on theories. The pH balance does not pertain to whether it is acidic before it enters your body, but rather what your body does with it.
For instance, Dr. Jeanine Graf wrote a book called "stop aging, start living". She addresses pH balance in her book quite a bit. This is a very good book to read because she explains the importance of pH balance..and she outlines foods that are alkalanizing, of which ORANGES is one. She says" Here is where things get confusing for most people. Some foods that are acidic-tasting(lemons, for example) are actually alkalinizing inside the body. Some foods that are alkaline outside the body are acid-producing in the body."
Without going into a Chemistry 101 session...which believe me, I would love to do, the Acid-Alkaline balance is not about how things taste, rather it is about how our bodies process food. I want to explain that pH balance relates to EVERYTHING in our bodies. Skin, digestion and various auto-immune issues are affected by the pH balance. Our stomachs can handle quite a bit of acid and use acid to break down and process our foods. Putting an acidic food in your body is not necessarily a bad thing. But it is bad when things get out of whack, when the majority of food we put in our bodies produces an acidic environment in our bodies on the cellular level.
So, what does this mean? I will suggest some books for you to consider. As I am not a medical professional or a chemist (except for maybe in my dreams), I can not explain things as well as they do. In the short term, I will tell you what I do. On a daily basis, I drink DanActive..which is packed with probiotic nutrients to help alkalanize the digestive system and help you become regular! Very important. The better your body processes food and gets it OUT of you, the less toxins you will have remaining in your body that might affect your skin or your immune system.
As Dr. Graf says, the "digestive system, immune system and the skin are all closely linked." If you are not digesting foods in a timely fashion, think about what that will do to your body. Will it make your skin break out to get rid of the excess toxins? Or will it deplete your immune system, making it acidic on a continual basis? Your stomach is filled with good bacteria and bad bacteria. These probiotic yogurt drinks are easy to chug and help you get rid of the bad bacteria and keep the good bacteria. This is a good first step to make.
Other things I do. I have read books about pH balance. I will list the really good books to the right. I also drink a "greens" solution daily. I use "Green Vibrance" which I get from Whole Foods. What does this do? It is filled with 25 billion probiotics each dose. It is a restorative, concentrated super food! WOW, right? What this really means is that it is like taking a vitamin that is sourced from foods. I would like to tell you that the food you eat is filled with all the right vitamins, but it isn't.
Most of our processed food is acidic in nature. I am not sure I can really explain this in one blog, but by taking a supplement that is packed with greens and using a probiotic to help with your digestion...your will help you body so much. I also use a pH supplement called pH balance. This supplement has pH strips (aka litmus paper) in it and I tested all of my family...from Jack to Michael. When we are born, we are alkaline and when we die..we are most likely acidic. So it is no surprise that Jack was alkaline. He is four, my youngest. The rest of us, being Morgan, Michael and me were all acidic. Over the past three months, I have moved myself to Alkaline status. This helps me ensure that cancer will not grow in my body any more.
I need to go give the kids a bath, but I will answer the oxygen question when I get back from the baths!
With love,