So, here is a picture of Jacky...growing up and taking Tae Kwon Do. Morgan's uniform came in late so we will have some pix of her on the blog soon. Jack has really taken to Tae Kwon Do. His older cousin, Thatcher, also takes classes with him and Thatch takes the classes seriously. Jack is still a squirrelly little four year old, but he is coming along.
As for me and my sports, I have elected to put myself on the bench this week. This is because I got a fever on Sunday and have had a fever on and off all week. It doesn't get any higher than 100.2 so it is not an infection. It may just be related to me overextending myself. I did walk 12 miles in training last thursday, then I had chemo Friday, then I rode my bike...or barely rode it on Saturday. I tried to ride, but my lack of energy made it pretty difficult.
I knew on Friday that my hemoglobin was low. I am not sure of all of the ramifications of this, but I know my energy is low when this happens. I am not used to low energy. I am used to dealing with high energy, but my body is absolutely out of wack from the medicines so I shouldn't expect anything to be normal. There is no normal in Chemo-world.
It is hard for me to take a break from the world that I am really beginning to love. I had to cancel on my teaching stint for Vacation Bible Camp this week, which was a bummer but my co-teachers were totally understanding. I look at my bike, but that is all I can do. I told my sister that I wouldn't do any training for the 3 day walk until next week when i feel better.
I assume if i give myself a break from working out and if I get off the chemo soon, that my body will bounce back. It is pretty resilient in this way. I keep forgetting that I have toxic meds running through my body. I keep forgetting that we are six weeks into this regimen so the fatigue has built up. But, I know it is working and I think we will be onto new meds over the next three weeks and life will get back to a new normal.
I can relate my cancer experience to that of when I have had my babies. Like with babies, each new medical treatment or surgery helps me get more comfortable with my body and requires me to become acclimated to a new awakened me. It is like I know what works and I know what doesn't. I should be pinching myself on most days because I probably wouldn't be alive without some of the meds I am on...THAT is how good they are. But, I just keep pushing forward because the meds keep getting better and keep saving lives of girls like me.
When I got diagnosed, I promised myself I would do everything possible so I wouldn't feel as though this disease was chasing me down. I didn't know I was stage IV when I made this decision, I thought I was stage I or stage II. However, my resolve was already set so I take the medicines with no regrets and I don't look back. I only look at today because I have some pretty amazing little people in my life who are conquering their own I will do the same.
1 comment:
I love squirrelly little 4 year olds. Elena has recently started wearing an eye patch on her right eye to strenthen her left eye. To make it more appealing to her we glue a googly eye to the patch. She has decided that she is "Mad-eye Moody" and loves wearing the patch. We'll learn at the end of the month if it has done its job and she can return to just wearing her glasses.
Hope you and Michael and the kids have a great Father's day!!!
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