Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Whirlwind of a week!

So far, this week has been a whirlwind. I imagine the bulk of October will be like this with so many upcoming breast cancer awareness events. I am think I am starting to feel better with the outpatient surgery behind me. Sometime over the next couple of days, I will get confirmed blood counts on my bilirubin and liver enzymes. If all goes well, which it should, then I should be able to head to Jefferson City to have them do my counts and start me up for these new medicines next week.

I have to do my official counts on site at the Jefferson City location. This is because the drug company dictates that all test results must be done on the clinical trial site. I have officially been off meds for over 21 days now. I have to be off the medicines in order for me to qualify for the trial. There are so many little hoops that you have to jump through in order to qualify for a trial. I had no idea before I starting to researching this medicine that literally one small criteria can bump you from trial consideration.

However, once you meet the qualifications, then you are in the trial. It is strange to have this purging of medicine, though. I have been on medicine for so long that it has become a security blanket for me. With every little ache or pain that I have had, I have wondered if it is the cancer. Even though this last set of chemotherapy really did a lot of good in my body, I still worry that a small break from any medicines would cause me major harm. However, this trial seems to be the right medicine so taking a break is just what I have had to do.

Like I said, we have this last criteria of the liver enzyme count coming into check in order for me to qualify. The reason the number has been high is due to the scar tissue in the liver. Furthermore, I had the stint issue where my bile blockage was taking place. Now that the large stint is in, the inflammation from scar tissue should subside. They gave me a steroid in order to reduce the inflammation also. We will get the official word on all of this over the next couple of days.

So, what happens, if I don't make the cut in terms of these numbers? Well, my oncologists think this is highly unlikely, but we have options in terms of other medicines to use. However, I believe my body will be ready so that I can start another wonder-drug. If so, then I am hoping I might be able to document the trial on video so that you all can see what it is like to go to these treatments...and break down the fear of cancer.


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