Monday, March 24, 2008

Do I look sick?

Hello friends and family,
Just wanted to send you a brief post with a picture of Morgan and me. We are at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. We had a wonderful vacation with Michael and Jack. I will post a picture of the boys tomorrow.

I thought this picture was particularly telling because it shows Morgan and me, just being ourselves. We love each other. Truly love each other. I feel blessed to have this child. I also feel blessed to have Michael and to have Jack.

This perspective is a gift that cancer has given me. It is not that I didn't appreciate my loved ones before I got diagnosed, but the honestly that arises through disease is amazing. We know the gift of life and we fully believe that I am healing from this disease....on the mend. We hope you can believe this, too.

I have spent my three years since diagnosis working on myself. I have researched causes of cancer and what I can do beyond the general medication that I get from my medical team. The truth is that the meds I take have assisted in purging cancer from my body and staving off new growth. I am fortunate to have gotten a cancer that has received so much media attention and funding over the past 20 to 30 years.

However, I have done many things to deal with the causes. I have altered my nutrition to include acid-alkaline theories of the body. (Cancer survives in an acid environment, it can not survive in an alkaline this is my on-going goal.) I quit my job to reduce stress and I just work on our home and develop our family and try to get our kids involved at our church.

I am also writing a book and have sold at least one short story at this point. I have created a breast cancer awareness campaign. And, I work out like a fiend because cancer can not survive in an oxygenated environment. Working out increases oxygen intake at the cellular level. I cycle four days a week and am registered to ride in 2 bike rides this is the MS150, the other is a 220 mile bike ride to benefit young breast cancer survivors.

All of these things empower me as a survivor, help me to find my wings in a situation that can be overwhelming to most. I am fully aware of what is going on in my body...even at the cellular level. I know where I have had tumors and how SMALL they have been. They are small, not large. They have not ravaged my body, but have been limited to small-scale growth....they are a nuisance, not a limitation to life.

I will have more detailed information about my specific tumors that I have dealt with in the future. But, for now, please know my health is considered STABLE by my VERY informed physicians! I do think about cancer every day, but in a very positive fashion. I am happy that we caught it when we did, that we got the meds we needed and that I am alive and well.

I get to fly kites with my kids and really enjoy it! I live IN THE MOMENT every day. I am a happy soul. All is well in the Plunkett house.


1 comment:

S. Lute said...

Hey Laura- This is Scott of Scott, Brandi, Emily and Erin fame. It'll be great to be able to keep up with how you're doing. We think about you a lot- glad to see you're happy and having fun! You rock! :) We appreciate the informational forum.