Saturday, March 29, 2008

pH questions

Della asked where you can get tested for pH levels and where you can get the suplements I suggest?  BTW, Della was my neighbor growing up...please say hello to JJ and Crystal!

What I recommend is going to the nearest organic food store and talk to someone about their products.  For me, the store I love is Whole Foods.  Most of the people who work for these stores are extremely thoughtful people who believe in their products.  I just talk to the people working in the store to figure out what they recommend and use.  That being said, there are several pH balance products out there and it can be do your own research before you go to a store.  I always do this so I can judge what the salespeople are telling me, and if I am not ready to buy, I don't.  These stores usually let you bring a product back if it doesn't work.  This  may not apply to supplements, but why not ask?  You would be surprised at what you can return.

All that being said, check out the website  They have books and products that are really helpful.  Don't feel like you need to purchase from them.  You can get pH strips from them to test for acidity, however, the supplement I buy at Whole Foods has strips included in them!  Very convenient.  I buy "pH basic" and I take 2 to 4 pills a day.  I also take "Green Vibrance" daily which is a greens supplement.  This is so if I don't get enough alkalinity in my foods, the supplement will keep me in balance.  YOU DO NOT NEED to buy the exact supplements I do...these are just ideas.  There are many good products out there and organic food stores are extremely thoughtful.  If you believe in the store's philosophy, then try to trust them.  You have to trust someone every once in a while.  I know it is hard as I am true skeptic.

I also have altered my diet considerably.  So what does that mean?What you need to have in your diet is exactly what everyone has told you your whole life...whole foods!  Shopping the perimeter of the store where veggies and fruits and meats are placed is a very smart thing to do.  Unfortunately, many of the processed foods that we eat are acidic.  I know this now so I make sure to take my PH supplements and drink the greens supplement to stay alkaline.   I also avoid white bread altogether...and eat 100% whole wheat.  I try to avoid any breads with "enriched flour".  This is as bad for your body as eating sugar.

I have listed some good books at the top of the the right.  I think Dr. Graf's book is very easy to read and extremely helpful.  She is a dermatologist so she sought out knowledge in relation to the skin.  But remember, the skin is an organ that is affected by what is in our body.  She learned that digestion and immunity issues are linked to the skin. also has some great books on their site so take a look at the site.  These books will outline alkaline foods and acidic foods.  But, try to keep it simple and remember it is pH "balance".  If you mess up with some acidic things, it won't kill you.  Just add things that make sense, that work for your life.  Don't dump everything in  your fridge, just start educating yourself.  I started with adding one supplement at a time.  First it was pH balance for a couple of weeks, then I researched a greens supplement, then I started juicing.  More on juicing later.

Some great first steps are to drink mainly water and avoid processed sugar.  If you need caffeine, try tea.  Coffee is pretty acidic, yet if you need it...then just try to avoid acidity in other aspects of your diet.  Unfortunately, this means that reading your labels will be a MUST.  If a label says "sugar" or "enriched flour" in the first FIVE ingredients my want to consider weaning yourself from this product.  Remember, just because something tastes good...doesn't mean it is good for you.  It will be hard at first.  You will crave the things you dumped, that is how our body works.  But, over time you will FEEL better and you will crave the things that are healthy for you.  Replace the short-term reward of something tasting good with the long-term aspect of FEELING good.  Your taste buds will adjust, trust me.

Please remember, I don't suggest anything that I haven't already done myself.  I have weaned myself from diet dr. pepper and aspartame recently, a nearly impossible task!  I have added nuts to my diet.  I have added the supplements I suggest.  I don't eat processed sugar...or if I do, it is only to be polite at family events.:)  And, I don't eat enriched flour.  

Okay, it is hard to address acidity in one post, but I have written three posts about it and will continue. The truth is it will take three to six weeks to truly alter yourself to an alkaline balance and you will have to keep it in balance continually.  But, you will get there and you will feel KILLER GOOD!  Please let me know if this clarifies things...


1 comment:

S. Lute said...

What's your opinion on a lot of the food and drink products that haven't been "officially" (by the FDA at least) shown to benefit everything they claim to when it comes to cancer prevention and overall health? Green drinks, green tea, juices with living beasties inside, etc.

Is it generally accepted by Doctors that you've spoken to that these products have beneficial effects? I would guess their answer is yes, right?

Scott L.