Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gettin' skinny!

One more thing about pH balance.  If you work on these principals (listed in the posts below), you will most likely start to lose weight and keep it off!  I will talk about exercise in another post, but I wanted to mention this point.  "Skinny B*@ch" is a very funny book that is a bestseller and outlines thoughtful eating.  Please note, the authors of this book do curse and they are extreme in their approach.  Remember, I said I take a little of this and a little of that in defining my approach...but I think reading the extremists is part of that process.  I am currently reading the book and will keep you posted on the high points.  

However, if you are in a bookstore, you may want to skim the book and see what you think!  Or get it from the library at some point.  It is pretty popular right now.

Gettin' skinny can be a motivator to gettin' healthy...and that is okay!

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