Friday, March 28, 2008

In Treatment.

So, this is what my weekly treatments look like.  Sometimes Jack comes with me, sometimes friends come with me, sometimes family.  Morgan is mostly in school during treatment time, but she has made friends with all the nurses in the past.  Michael is mostly at work at these times.  I like to preserve his appearances for PET/CT scans and MUGA scans.  He is my good luck charm.

When I first got diagnosed, my oncologist recommended that I get a port-a-catheter.  Because I have had multiple infusions and chemotherapy can be damaging to smaller veins, a port can help nurses and physicians access the larger, central vein, and streamline treatments.  My current infusions range from 45 to two hours, depending upon the  medicine they are infusing.  I get both Herceptin every week and Avastin every other week.  These are my wonder-drugs.

Our good friend, Phil, brought his really great camera and took some pix of Jack and me at treatment so that you could see what it is like.  Like anyone else living with a medical issue, it is just a part of life.  Very doable.

More about my wonder-drugs and the chemistry of the drugs in future blogs!


1 comment:

Della said...

Hi, Laura,
Would you please advise me about getting tested for pH levels and what to do about high acidity? What book do you recommend, and where can I buy the things you recommend?
Thanks very much. Love the blog and pics of the family!

Della Glenn