Thursday, October 30, 2008

Click on this title!

So, if you have not had a chance to buy the book, so to speak, you can read MY THIRD LUNG online at the link I have attached. The KC Star printed a picture of me, which you will see, along with a brief summary of my cancer journey. They put that information in their actual paper. Then they were able to make the full story available online, based on the approval of my publisher. Very cool of everyone involved. Publishers don't really want to make that information available so it was very kind of Adams Media.

If you are wondering when my next piece of published work will come out, I can not guarantee anything with that yet. However, the big push for the Pass It On! mailing is going out tomorrow, with the wonderful man-power of my parents and my sister. I will have one more mailing by the end of the year, but the big part of that is over. I am still working on outlining my book so that I can get it to agents. I haven't even had time to figure out who my targeted agents are, but they should probably WATCH OUT! That is a goal for me for the beginning of 2009.

With all the breast cancer awareness things going on and me having been in the hospital for a bit of this month and travelling to Jeff City, MO for trial "stuff" daughter and son are starting to feel the effects of those schedule issues. So, I have promised them that I will focus my writing and blog time to when they are busy at school or at a friends.

I plan on making November and December pretty festive months for them. I also plan on getting a lot of writing done when I can, but as I said in the news interview with Kelly Michael and me, the kids come first. We will take them to my treatments at Jeff City, when their schedule allows, so they will get comfortable with that and some new doctors. But, the big thing for them is having Mommy take them to school and pick them up and play all I can with them. So, that will be my first priority.

I will try to write on the blog when they are at school or when they are in bed at night. The same will be true for the book and any other writing I do with my friend Tina Herold. I will keep you all posted about my health and try to educate you about this trial, as best I can. But, please consider me to be a well person. Like the title of this blog says, this is the story of a young mother living with cancer. (The implied commment thereafter is that I am not dying with it.) I plan on being here a long time. And this plan is based on real hope and real information, not just fluff.

Thanks for reading and keeping up with my story. I hope that I can throw just a little inspiration or hope your way. My main thing is that I am trying to educate you so that you will believe in your ability to navigate through the health system. We all have issues to deal with...mine is cancer, for another person, it could be heart disease or arthritis or diabetes or obesity. Regardless of what it is, addressing the issue in a preventive and/or treatable fashion is the best thing you can do for yourself! Begin NOW!


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