Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Out of the hospital!

Michael and I got me out of the hospital yesterday morning. One of the female doctors and a nurse practitioner really pushed to get me out of there in the morning. It was very kind of them. I am still not feeling great as they have me on steroids to reduce inflammation. I am winding down off of that drug, but it wreaks havoc on my body. It makes me super nervous and causes fluid retention. Besides the fact that they pumped so much fluid through me while in the hospital, now my body thinks it should retain that fluid because of the many drugs they have me on. However, I am trying not to complain. It just makes me feel a little bad.

So, I am going to rest and recuperate over the weekend and see where I am at. I need to use these drugs to help my body to heal from the procedure so I will just take them. I will suck it up, but it isn't easy. Morgan is out of school tomorrow and the next day so we are just going to hang during the day and I probably won't blog much. I am going to see my oncologist on Friday so I will know a little more about my new meds. I will let you all know when I know....

Until then, I plan on taking it easy and getting life back to normal for Michael, Morgan, Jack with me.

With love,


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura - I did see the Lifetime movie last week and I thought of you the whole time. I thought it was well done, but it's good to get your perspective on it. Glad to hear you came through the procedure well. Take care of yourself and enjoy the time with your family! Nicole

Anonymous said...

I know that you are taking specific drugs for your conditions, and you promote living healthy in order to prevent unhealthy conditions from developing ... the "best" cure is prevention, including Exercise, a nutritional diet, mindful purpose, ect. Nutrition-wise, there are so many supplements out there. I listened to a radio show in the car today and the doctor ( about digestion, detoxification and mineral intake, which made sense for better healthy eating in this unhealthy food culture. Purity Products is another example ( of really good radio promoted health supplements. The doctors there talk of all the vitimins and minerals that we lack in our diets for our body's natural health, orgin function, ammune system, etc.: great info. Maybe it's just too much data to digest. What's your take on the "right" supplements and foods to steer clear of today for the "best" possible health and life? Something to chew on. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura,
Just wanted yo to know I have been thinking about you. I will send all my positive thoughts your way as you rest, reconnect and recenter this weekend! Mary Beth