Sunday, October 12, 2008

A little under the weather...

So, this liver detox that my doctors are having me do has made this weekend a little unruly for me. I was not sure what to expect, which was probably my first mistake. The dosage is pretty regimented, along with my other medicines, so it has not been an easy couple of days.

Essentially, with a liver detox, you have to take any other medicines an hour before you take the detox. The detox, itself, is a powder that you mix in with a juice. It is highly acidic tasting, which does not bode well with me. Regardless, I am tough, so I took all four doses the first day and all four doses yesterday.

Last night was pretty rough, but I made it through...then I got physically sick this morning. So, that made for some FUN. Fortunately, Michael and I just figured out that this is, once again, one of those times that I need to take a time out from society for a couple of days. I still have to take the meds on Monday and Tuesday. My dose is reduced to 2 per day, which is nice.

I slept a lot today, at my mom and dads. Morgan was flying in from San Francisco with my mother-in-law and nephew so I knew she was taken care of...and Michael and Jack spent the day together. All I really care about on days like these when I have to take a "time-out" is that my husband and kids are happy. I want this all to be seamless to them, so they know I am strong.

Just a reminder, the purpose of the detox is to get residue toxins from the chemo out of my liver so that I can start all over when we start this new medicine. All of these efforts have been to heal my liver...they have been gutsy efforts that included two stint surgeries and some detox medicine. However, who am I if not a risk-taker.

Sometimes, I have to accept the short-term loss of having my weekend plans disappointed by being that I can grasp onto the long-term plan of healing. This is our goal. My goal, Michael's goal, Morgan's, Jack's and all my extended family and friend's.

Thanks for your continued support. Don't be surprised if I am quiet over the next couple of days. Imagine me sleeping this detox off. My kids are all taken care of and I will be send positive thoughts my way and prayers! Because they matter!


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