Thursday, October 2, 2008

Web site is UP!

Click the title to this post and it will take you to the new web site. It just has the basics up for now, but we wanted people to be able to email me at the web site in case they have speaking requests and/or new people to add to the mailing. Michael and I have a friend, Ryan, who has donated his time to help us get the site up and running. We totally appreciate him for this effort. I think you will see over time that he does a really great job!

The picture, on the site, was also taken by a friend of ours, Phil. He donated his time and photography skills to the campaign this year. So kind and generous. He is also going to help me create a documentary as he has a background in video work. I figure this clinical trial I am on could change the world. Why not document it to help other people see what doing treatment, scans and medical appointments is all about

Thanks to Ryan and Phil for all of their help!


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