Wednesday, April 30, 2008

6.75 on Litmus test

I have been working on my diet and tweaking my supplements as my body still struggles to be alkaline. I have decided to take my greens supplement (Green Vibrance) in pill form because the texture of the liquid drink made me want to gag. This was detering me from taking the supplement. So, now I am taking the capsules which has the green substance enclosed. This ensure that I will take it everyday and am already starting to see some results. I continue to test myself and the ideal range on on the acid-alkaline scale is between 6.5 and 7.0. So, I am right in the middle...around 6.75. I am going to continue to take the supplements while increasing juicing.

What is juicing? This is where you take your veggies in juice form. The theory behind this is that if you take your veggies in juice form, it will be easier for your body to absorb the nutrients because it will not have to break down the food for digestion. You are also getting more of the enzymes in the food, which helps in decreasing the possibility of inflammation. Because most of us are not getting the actual enzymes we need in our food, juicing can actually help get us there.

Many cancer survivors have used juicing to transform their live...change their situations from terminal to remission. It also helps with other auto-immune disorders because these are normally caused and/or promoted by inflammation. Inflammation is a cause...cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis are some of the effects.

I am not sure why this cancer happened to me or why it wants to stay around, but I am convinced that if I promote an alkaline environment and increase oxygenation at the cellular level...that over time, the tumors will subside. It has happened for others and I believe it will happen for me.

Blessings to all of well!

1 comment:

S. Lute said...

Ok- good info. So what veggies do you mix together into a drink? I'm a person that's never really liked veggies, so it's difficult to get... well- ANY veggies in measurable amounts.

Also- have you read any info on Chlorophyll drinks? Everything I read is pretty vague.

Thanks! Keep up the good work!
Scott Lute