Monday, April 28, 2008

The Year of Still Here...

So, in our effort to start enjoying life a little more...Michael and I went to see Jimmy Buffett in St. Louis, Missouri this last Thursday. For those of you who snub Jimmy Buffett like I probably would have done years before, I just want you to know that he is a very smart guy. His philosophies in his songs are very simple, but they ring true. He knows who he is. He remembers the value of his family. He values his good friends. He appreciates a good day. He reads good books and loves Mark Twain and Ann Morrow Lindbergh, as writers. I could not agree more with his choice of authors.

I must admit it took me a while to get used to his music, but I realized that the value of a good day is priceless. Jimmy Buffett has life figured out. I have read one-and-a-half of his books and, at heart, he is a good old southern boy. But, he knows his limits and he knows his strengths. I wish most of us could recognize this wisdom and feel the value of who we are. I did not do this until I got sick.

I am thankful for Buffett's perspective. Being at his concert was like many things I have experienced over the past couple of years...a dream come true. Life is a dream come true for me. I am sure without the assistance of good medicinces, good physicians and the women who have come before me...that I would not even be here. I appreciate the simplicity of a good day. It no longer needs to be a perfect day in order for me to accept it. I no longer need to be perfect in order for me to love ME. I love me exactly as I am, FLAWS AND ALL. I plan on being here for a long time. I am blessed.

We went to the concert with our friends, Phil and Angel. They have been Parrotheads for quite some time and they wanted to help us, and there St. Louis friends, become accustomed to the ways of Jimmy. It was a very fun experience. I got to put my FINS UP! And, I got to hear about Jimmy's love of Mark Twain. He was extremely appreciative of his Missouri-born band-mates and overall, he seemed to have a great time...just like we did. He sang lots of his favorite songs and a couple of new ones. He honored Bob Dylan and Van Morrison.

His theme for this concert series is THE YEAR OF STILL HERE. I thought this was a perfect concert theme for me to be a part of. I often wonder if people think I will be here for long because I am a stage IV girl, but I plan on being here for a long time. I feel blessed, honored, to have access to medicines and feel that my cancer is manageable and to be a part of my medical team. This is the year of still here for me....I plan on having a multitude of these types of years!

I have many people who love me and take care of me. I am appreciative of them every day!

I hope each of you are aware of the people who love you! I hope you feel that love ever day...


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