Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yoga, anyone?

Hi all,

Sorry I have not written since Sunday. My laptop computer cord is messed up and will not boot up. I am able to use the family computer to write the blog, but that is about all the functionality I have at this point. Michael is going to get me a new cord tonight so all should be back to normal tomorrow.

I am going to write a little about my breast cancer campaign on my next post, but for now, I just wanted to write a brief post about yoga. I went to a yoga class last night with one of my good friends. The class was so amazing. Although I am relatively flexible, I found myself sweating and really concentrating on the poses in order to get everything right. It was so cathartic. I felt so peaceful and happy after the class. It doesn't take much to make me happy...but even so, it was a wonderful experience.

Today is a little different. I am sore and tired, but I am reminded that this is how things are when you start a new health activity. Yoga, like any sport, can be intimidating when you first start it. Certainly since I have had breast reconstruction using my transverse abdominal muscle, I was not sure my abdominal wall could take yoga.

I was wrong. Anyone can do yoga. My instructor yesterday was a breast cancer survivor herself and has had the very same surgery as me. So, I guess my point is if I can take on this task with all my "limitations"...that you can do the very same. Consider adding exercise to your daily routine...even a 20 minute walk will go a long way. Yoga is great because it makes you focus on your breathing, it helps remind me to breathe even though there are many times when I am anxious that my breathe is not rhythmic. It is a natural response of our body to do this. Just think about the last time you got injured, you may not realize it...but the stress probably caused you to stop breathing for a little bit. Even a second or two of that anxious energy is a stressor in our bodies. I am really working on understanding breathing so that I can maximize oxygen at the cellular level.

If you don't alreayd "work out", don't be intimidated by the thought of taking on a new challenge. Consider things that you like to do and that will fit into your lifestyle...such as a brisk walk, walking the dog, riding a bike, walking the kids to a local park instead of driving. If group exercise is a motivator, then take a class...but remember, that everyone was a newbie at one time. Give yourself the freedom to make mistakes, that is the only way you really learn. Stretch your never know what you can do until you try.

Next up: the power of juicing...and more on my breast cancer campaign (Pass It On!)


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