Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The YOU doctors...

One more thing in relation to books and web sites. The YOU doctors are the ones who wrote "YOU, the owner's manual", "YOU, the smart patient", " YOU on a DIET", etc. They are Drs. Oz and Roizon. They are associated with realage.com, which is a great web site and Dr Oz is on Oprah all of the time. Whether you like Oprah or not, she is pretty smart about the people she puts on her show on a consistent basis. I think the docs are plainspoken. I have the owner's manual and I loved it. I also have the smart patient book, it was empowering to read that most doctors really want informed patients. They make reading about your health and body extremely interesting. Just another book to consider.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all the great info. We pretty much live the same way but commercialization get the best of all of us at time. The organic “lifestyle” is getting more expensive lately but we are trying to stay strong and not look at it as a luxury but a health decision. Sorry for the delay as I've been on the road this week. I have heard about the Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type and believe the author was on XM radio one day and found it very interesting...will pick it up. I think I'm also A (which would be really weird) and now want to find my blood donor card. Keep up the great blog and hope something sounds good (food) to you soon! The new hair looks great but so to the do-rags! Let me know if you want me to pick up some Carolina rags for you…we have a lot of choices here.
