Monday, July 21, 2008

What you believe, you become.

So, Michael, Mo, Jack and I are in Omaha. I am sitting in our hotel room while the rest of the crew is asleep and I thought I would write a post. We are mainly here because I bought tickets for Mo and me to see the Jonas brothers tonight. If you don't have a seven-year-old, or a Hannah Montana fan in your house, then you probably don't know who these kids are. Basically, they are three pretty talented brothers who are very cute and are on tour right now. They are very busy for young kids, but it seems like their parents are pretty involved with the process and the boys are very musically talented. They were just in Camp Rock, a Disney musical, and one of the girls from that musical is opening up for them in the concert tonight.

Anyway, Michael and I made the executive decision not to take Jack to the concert as he doesn't really like to sit for long. Actually, neither do I , but I am an adult and should act like one. Regardless, we are all heading to the zoo today, then we will break off into the concert group (Mo and me) and the Plunkett boys(I think you know who they are:). Some of the interesting things that have happened along the way so far....are that we went to the Omaha Royals game yesterday. We got their faces painted and balloon art for free. It is such a fun stadium, very kid-friendly. We also went to dinner last night and swimming. We all believe that the two mega-vans that are sitting outside our hotel room are for the concert tonight. Noone can really tell us differently at this point...even if we are wrong.:) Morgan, in particular, sat at the window last night and watched for Joe Jonas to emerge all night...this is the one she is going to marry.

I did get to break away and do a little shopping last night. I went into this earthy store called The Lotus and bought a necklace that has a quote from Buddha, "What you believe, you become." I have been reading a lot about the power of positive thinking, about the medical aspects of it. Of course, if you have read this blog before, you know that I have a desire to understand things at a cellular level because that is where cancer starts to break down the body. I have been researching mind-body connection, from a scientific viewpoint. I understand the mind-body connection at a spiritual level, but no everyone is that way so I thought I would explore some new books with unique perspectives and see what I come up with. In the meantime, I got this neckace to remind me that regardless of where anyone is in their faith, or what they believe, remaining positive and believing in the good aspects of life is where things are at.

There are many things I work on besides the cancer that I forget to share. I mainly work on trying to remember that my cancer is unique, that someone else's story of death does not mean it will happen to me. Sometimes, because I have cancer, people can share these stories with me and they always upset me because I am empathetic. I don't want anyone to die from cancer, yet I try to remember that I can be sympathetic to to others while believing in my capacity to heal. Cancer does not have cooties anyway. You and I can't catch it from someone else. Our own cells grow in our own way so if we get cancer, we have our own breed of a type of cancer.

I also work on forgiveness, a lot. I didn't realize I needed to forgive people, but mostly I need to forgive myself for being such a perfectionist and expecting too much of others. My forgiveness practices are just where I meditate or write about the issue and then give it away(in my mind). I always address my role in the issue and then I give it wings to fly so it won't upset me anymore. I have to do this several times before it is gone from my mind, but it does work. I also have an inner prayer life that I don't talk about much. This is not because I am ashamed, but because I promised this blog would not be about preaching to you. I love to share my faith,but I feel right now, my burden is to share my cancer experience with you all. Any other discussion, should probably go off-line as it is not the focus of this blog. Feel free to email me about it if you have any questions. Regardless, I did want to let you know that I do have an inner prayer life and my work on my spiritual relationship with God daily. I believe this is an important aspect of my healing.

I do believe that I can address my cancer through medicine. I believe it could probably stabilize alone with just the meds, but I know I need to be mental and physically armed for battle. This includes a complete approach with some of the things I have mentioned above. I will try to remember what else I do and mention them in another post. Mainly, I just try to be fair and good and honest with myself. I am have a long way to go before I am an adult, but I am working on it while I work on my healing. All is well, life is good.

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday. We are definitely going to have a fun day in Omaha!


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